Back from New York
I got back last night, after spending half a week in New York City. I stayed in mid-town, Times Square. I didn't schedule things well, so ended up working most of the time. I missed dinner out, gathering with friends and any chance of museum hopping.
During the trip, I spent time in the Hearst Tower. The views from the upper floors were really something.

While there, I watched the debates, along with most of the people I was hanging out with - I personally felt that there was less difference between the candidates in their public speaking than I would have liked. I have my preferences, so think my guy won, but without some kind of dramatic error, the debates seem full of language that I can't really interpret, in terms of the difference.

Last weekend, I spent time in Twisp, Washington. I love the time I spend away with friends, this was no exception. The property we were on borders North Cascade Park trails. The "back yard" has some alder trees returning through the meadow grasses. I spent hours listening to the leaves rustling. I spent about an hour when we first arrived watching the wasps come back to life as the heat we brought with us woke them from their hibernation.
Here's what I wrote in my journal:
9 wasps spring back to life,
a 10th joins in.
Torpor reversed by
central heating revival.
Number 15 crawls around,
stiffly on the window
They all see the light -
don't know that this
is temporary.
I'm unpacking my sketchbook.
There are things to do.
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