it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Whupped & past the commitments to holiday community - time to reflect & center...

Top moments from vacation:
*Cougar tracks in Pali Mountain camp, hiking & turn practice
*Shebi Arus - the resulting feelings of peace and quiet
*Rim of the World High School
*Solstice dinner
*Spending the holidays with family
*Pablo Neruda poetry books
*New Years with Jason & Matt
*A snow day
*Looking through the photos of the last year or so

*Travel paralysis
*Rushing through holiday cards & not getting them out to everyone
*Trying to get back into the schedule that offers me so much & seeing, everywhere, resistance

Jason's playlist tonight (from Porch Sub Continent) :

* Patti Smith singing "Talking about my generation" with John Cale.
* Minute Men singing "Dr. Woo"
* "Humble Mumble" OutKast
* "Intro" Mos Def Black on Both Sides
* "Thorn in my Pride" Black Crowes


I began this post on the 30th, just before Matt got here. We've been unmoored by all of the changes to our schedules over the last month & regrouping is still tough. I keep thinking I'll be inspired to sort through the mail & get the house together. I may not have written about this before - but I've been working with a woman who helps folks organize, as a gift to myself for my birthday & she's due in for remedial review in a week or so. Stakes is high, as they say & I'm so not feeling inspired. She's specifically working with me on the art studio - it's a massive undertaking & I'm feeling the pruning shears at roots I thought I'd get to keep forever. Unnerving, but liberating at the same time.

Tonight I watched movies & sorted photos. I could list the things I thought I'd get through, but it would be an exercise in frustration. Tomorrow it's back to work - I'm enjoying work these days - odd, with a massive reorg coming - but there you go. Things are hopping & I've got to be on my toes, comes as a relief to have concrete actions after all of this ephemera.


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