it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Recent Films watched:
Talk to Her - Pedro Almodovar's moving, utterly surreal treatise on love & human fragility
The Italian Job - a serviceable Hollywood perfume ad/action flick with a mediocre ending
Heaven - Tom Twyker's (run lola run) not-actually-a-tear-jerker film about redemption after doing very bad things
Scarface - Geez this is a violent movie.
The Princess & the Warrior - Tom Twyker, again. This one was indecipherable - he seems to make movies that are stronger visually than storywise, the story seemed to be an embryonic version of Heaven (see above)
All About My Mother - Crazy Pedro Almodovar unleashes Barcelona on us all

Came home fussy tonight. Fussy is tiring to me just now, I'll have plenty to be fussy about for quite some time - there's no need to rush into it.

I started the day after what felt like a breath of sleep. Arriving home late yesterday, I opted to snooze after a filling pho dinner, just about around 9pm. Next thing I know, it's 4:13am & I've got 17 minutes of free time before the alarm goes off. I stumble out of bed & join Jason at the computer. He's still up, having finally rigged the computer to work upstairs after the dsl connection wires broke yesterday morning. Disoriented & working to convince myself that I've slept plenty & need to pay attention today, I pack my bag for yoga - grabbing a smooch & heading out the door.

Beginning Yoga - I started doing this in December or November. I don't get it at all, but am trying to be patient & stretch more. Both are easily accomplished in this practice, and that I get. The calm, carefully attentive feeling I'm left with lingers for hours and hours after those funny classes.

Work started off slow - folks were away at the reorg meeting & I watched it online, blissfully away from the gigantic crowds. There were a few cliffhangers throughout the day, keeping me busy & I wished I had someone following behind me to catch the tasks that resulted from incidental chats in the hallway and such. A bit stressful, but in that positive challenge-type way. Lot's to do and a significant portion of it to do this week.

I lingered later than I meant to resolve a sticky issue & then found myself lingering and lingering. After making final notes for tomorrow's lot, I fussed myself to the car & drove home. This fussing, it lasted for an hour after I got home, until I finished the dishes & got caught up with Jason.

We're taking it easy tonight. Still both feeling a bit overwhelmed by what we're up to these days. Feels like we need to stay on point.

I'll wrap up here with an e-mail excerpt from Jason:

"Each year, comes up with a question and asks hundreds of scientific/intellectual types to consider their own approach to answering it. This year, the question is "What is Your Law?" Some chose to answer given their longwinded (if genius) research in other areas, rejiggering for the answer (see Ray Kurzweil:

While others tackled some current issues under the guise of answering questions (See George Lakoff: I don't know that any answer the question, but most all of them are very engaging and worth plowing through (my fav thus far:, or wait - Raymond's last one:

My law? Do it my way or watch your butt. That or, sprint at 4:30, nap at 5 o'clock."

You get extra points if you can find the source for Jason's first law.


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