it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Marathon catch-up: So, after the trip to Holden Beach in late July, I sort of got off track in my training. I began running the first of the long distance runs that would sharply increase as training went on. I got through a weekend where I ran 16 miles, two 10 mile runs on weekends following that & made 18 miles total throughout our week in N.C.

Then I stopped running. For a few weeks, I just rode the currents of how my body was feeling. My body primarily wanted sleep.

During our trip to Salt Creek, I talked out what I was thinking with Jason & Laurie. It was obvious that if I kept doing what I was doing, the marathon wouldn't include me this Oct. We kinda left the conversation there.

Last week, I signed up for marathon training with a group near work. The guy leading the class had sent 600 folks through the Boston marathon - by giving lots of information on nutrition & keeping the training doable, rather than leaning on true grit to get someone through the experience.

My first run was yesterday - a two hour run with about a dozen folks. There was water support & a few folks to run at different paces, so that everyone would be tracked as we made our way through local park trails.

So, I lagged behind even the slowest runners - the crowd lost me in the first half mile. I have no shame for my slow pace, because it's where I'm starting out and all. But, after an hour with no water, I started feeling a bit fussy about running all on my own. Fortunately, I spotted a water fountain and having water really took the edge of my fussiness. I figure I did 9-10 miles yesterday & faster than I have before.

In the best case scenario, I'll get to do the marathon & will complete it without feeling like I need to be hospitalized afterward. If I end up having to quit, that's ok too. Kinda has to be, in the end.


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