it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Sunday evening. Last few loads of laundry are in progress. I've got Secret Window paused upstairs & Jason is doing a one hour slot of work.

I made myself an appt. to see if I have ADD, last Friday. Since I talk to everyone about my personal business (habit I got from Mom [thanks Mom!]) I got to hear a lot of different views from folks I know. Most people started talking about how productivity has been pushed beyond human capability & so this designation "attention deficit disorder" is a cover for the tightening economy asking for more from folks than they can realistically give. These folks recommended slowing down, vs. seeking medication or behavioral therapy. Some folks just dismissed it. No one in my sample has kids who have been diagnosed or have been diagnosed themselves.

My friend who works for a school district, dealing with special needs kids, has a different view. She's met with the spectrum of instances: parents who want to medicate kids who may not need it, parents who won't medicate even with their kids climbing the walls - and the various reactions of the kids themselves. Her view is pretty straightforward; she's seen the benefits of treatment & has seen behavior modification work, too. She's neither pro-medication nor against it.

The doc gave me a clean bill of health. No ADD for me. I get to check back in a month, to see if the circumstances that I'm seeing as symptoms subside.

I'm curious to see what folks think about this "epidemic"...

On another topic: My second run with the marathon trainers happened this weekend. Frankly, it kicked ass. I got to run through a trail for an hour and a half. Couldn't tell when I'd hit an incline or when to dodge horse crap. It was a hot day, but cool under the canopy of leaves on the trail.

I tell a joke, mostly for me - but I do it often when I run, to passers-by... if I'm running by someone taking a stroll & they look game, I say "ok, c'mon with me, we'll do windsprints!". It's a thing I picked up from Matt's antics, but tickles me no matter what the reaction is to the statement. The cool part this time was that I got to do it to a horse/rider combo - brushing the horse's silky nose as I called for them to run with me. That was good fun.

More along those lines: I start working out with a trainer again this week. I've decided that without personal motivation (which I seem to be sorely lacking)it'll take more than workout buddies to get me to the end of the course, come Oct. 3.

So, if it's not terribly obvious, I've been lacking energy lately. That means, no painting, no extra projects & a hell of a time getting to work out enough. Work for money doesn't seem to suffer in this mix. I am trying to cut back to a reasonable schedule, having dumped more responsibility on the folks working for me. Always though, some new project pops up to take up the extra time. I'm not complaining, but I better get to artwork asap.

Oh yeah, Jason and I are looking into buying a house. Undeniably grown up stuff. Of course, our dream house is a 2 story office building, refurbished to be liveable (2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen) - across from a field or some kind of open expanse. How I love to dream.


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