it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

what is that feeling...?

Today started off just fine, up with the pretend sun and enjoying a cup of coffee with J. The sun is out and it looks like a pretty day. I had a lovely evening last night, a rare joining together with others to ... put together a jigsaw puzzle.

But, I'm fussy. There's really no denying it. I can feel the urge to crawl back up to bed and hide out. I won't do that though, I think I've seen enough of that behavior for now.

Instead, I'm heading out - errands for now. With the reflection in recent days on not withdrawing, not avoiding feelings, I should have a fairly interesting day. Along with the good in the air, there has been a rash of very bad news and so I've found myself bursting into tears at odd times. Hopefully, that won't happen at the grocery store, but if it does, I'll mutter some faux-buddhist stuff & haul ass back to the car.

Odd post, but oh well.

Dans l'histoire du monde, c'est nes pas grande chose - right?



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