it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Saturday, October 18, 2008

sooo sleepy!

I'm waiting for sleep to overtake me, after getting together with a friend I've had since I got to Seattle in 1988. She's an artist too & so I took her into my studio (such as it is) to get a sense of how to better unlock the expression bubbling beneath the surface.

It was gratifying to share my latest sketches with her, to hear about what she would do to convert my workspace into a usable studio - her sweetie had terrific ideas and I took notes. Whoo hoo!

It wasn't all about me - J & B went over a plan to convert the grapes in our backyard into wine. B brought plum wine and we savored it over dessert. It was terrific & I'm hearing we may get more!!

I always get so wound up when I get a chance to connect with folks who mean so much to me - it takes a long time for me to unwind, to relax.

J is beckoning me to come upstairs. I've got hiccups. That seems to be the end of this post.


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