it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Back from a weekend in the San Juan's, on Orcas Island. We arrived late, drove for a while, then walked up to the inn & saw a goofy looking fawn standing by what looked like the office. Jason walked right up to it & it came over to see what was in his hands. We had a good weekend.

I came home to feeling a bit pinched by stuff, as I'll be clutter cleaning later this week & I've done little to prepare. So, tonight, I pulled everything out of my old car - my mechanic recommends that I get rid of it (it was a bad deal when I got it).

I also went through my old journals - looks like I have everything from '94 on. I got rid of 5 of the notebooks, but kept the Dan Smith Dream Notebook - a place where, for a time, co-workers wrote about dreams they had that were work-related. It was a hoot to read. Lots of stuff has gone on since '94, so it was a bit much to read through it all, mostly felt good to toss a fair chunk of it.

The rest of the week's plan looks a bit sketchy - I'll have to get ready, or not, for clutter removal - social events are peeping from the ethernet & work continues to be a moving target. I feel all cloudy & surrounded, weighed down, by the belongings I'm letting go of - hard to see it alongside the beauty & quiet I've gathered to me from the weekend.

All day and night, music,
a quiet, bright
reedsong. If it
fades, we fade.



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