it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

So, although I've not mastered the intricacies of the folderblog, I am excited to present some 70 pictures taken with my ridiculously fantastic camera. These intricacies include things like naming the images, allowing comments and, I guess, making super sweet galleries, vs. working with the straight up .php script.

As a result of these difficulties, (the major difficulty being that the pictures didn't get into the album in order & I can't figure out how to fix that yet.) I'm forced to do something here that will give greater context to the folderblog - for those who just want to look the link is here:

Monday evening, I got to hang with Pam, visiting a P-patch & scouring Volunteer Park for photo ops. Some of the pictures are here, some are on the bottom row, here. Finally, three images are on the top row, here.

Wednesday last week brought a surprise storm - hail, blinding rain, the lot. Our basement flooded. When you look at the last seven images on this page, that's what you'll be looking at.

Some photos are from around the house. They have fallen into complete lack of order, so I won't point you in to any particular direction (although I quite like the model plane on the third row of this page.

Saturday was all about the Evergreen State Fair. The pictures are all over the folderblog, some on each page, I think. Start on page one to see them all.

It's not that I didn't try to figure out the script subtleties - I spent a fair part of yesterday surfing for code pointers. It's just that there are several files & each of them call to the other to perform their dazzling web magic & I'm too impatient to screw up by rushing into the individual gallery approach.

Also, I ran almost 3 hours on Saturday - before we went to the fair. After the fair, even after stopping for coffee, I came home and slept like a very sleepy person - until the next day. At this point, I am officially 3 weeks away from the marathon, in Portland. That's really something.


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