More pics available
Diablo Lake pics are up. We had a great time, after a few initial discussions about who wanted to camp when and where and what we wanted to do. The campsite was peaceful and beautiful, we'll go back a bunch of times, I'm wagering.
Everywhere we went, we were traveling alongside folks taking much fuller advantage of the beauty of the North Cascades, lots of fishermen, hikers, folks with canoes, etc. Our car looked way less utilitarian compared to others loaded down with all manner of mountain appropriate equipment.
Even without crampons or a tent that could hang on a cliffside, we were able to enjoy the mountain range, the clean air and critters. We were beset, of course, by stellar jays and douglas squirrels, the latter chiding us as they do when we were eating (not sharing) and when we were putting food away.
It rained almost the entire time, which really put me off, but once the tent was up and we were in it, it was obvious that the rain was falling on the trees mainly and hardly at all on us. Our one hike along the river was easy and dry, even though we could hear the rain almost the whole time.
Diablo lake, Ross lake are both strikingly jade/turqouis colored -- due to the rock "flour" found in the water. The sunbreaks were very bright and made it tougher to capture that color, but it was still amazing to shoot.

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