J is in the kitchen making grits and eggs. John is on the couch, troubleshooting a problem with my camera that has been stumping me since it arrived yesterday. John is my nephew & we are a few days into a 10 day visit.
So far we've hosted a party and baked bread with some sisters of mine, both lovely activities. I drove him through our international district - we've visited Uwajimaya twice and will go back today, although I believe that Pink Godzilla is our store of choice, for imported games of Japanese origin. I've been schooled in the value of Pop'n'music, in the best & worst songs... I've been able to share my love of Jlist items (18 and under items for us) and the like.
I've got a week to plan, today and the NY times Sunday paper is sitting just to the left of my cup of coffee...beckoning. It's amazing to have all of this energy in the house. It's a bit like living with a squad of mad-scientists, if you include J & I in the mix.
So far, this week looks a bit like:
- re-visiting my old place of employment with John in tow, bringing him to folks who excel in their work there, to continue to broaden his idea of what things await him after high school
- taking him to galleries housing the art of people I know & favor, for the other side of the employment/dharma coin
- there's class on Monday, band practice here Wed and a trip to the peninsula this weekend
- wrap that up with the requisite photo excursions, time for me to paint (a few hours a day will do nicely) and chores, should round the week out nicely
Well, I need to spend a little more time troubleshooting the camera problem & it sounds like breakfast is ready... We sure eat late here, in this Bennett household.
Labels: touristy things in WA
At 11:17 AM,
Lillian said…
Hurrah! Camera sensors on one lens had oxidized - and was easily fixed at good old Glazer's.
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