it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Good Day

Good week, too. I'm in the middle of cleaning with J & am stranded, momentarily, by the printer as the Library of Congress Class list prints out. Well, I'm so not stranded, but am rather enjoying a break. We're cleaning the house today & we've knocked out the first part of our project, but are just starting this next bit.

It's going through my office/our library. We've just cleared out all of the furniture & are going through the bookshelves & while I believe we'll maybe never need to organize our books on the "Leeward Islands--description & travel", I'm unconvinced that we're coming up with a suitable replacement.

This has been so much fun, this week. It's also been a lot like sitting next to a board that I keep smacking my head on... I feel more prepared to get into the newness of my life in the world of the marginally employed, but am really struggling with structure.

The good: met with Lolly & also with Jess, finding out that there is more openness to my desire to relax there than I had expected. Did an astrological reading, which reminded me that I'm good at that & was with a lovely person to boot. Put my office together, I mean my laptop, really, as we're still working on my office. Sorted out my art studio storage space, early on.

The bad: feel a bit helpless & so sad about the continuing violence in the world. I'm thinking about London, Iraq, etc. Also, have been feeling very dumb about how to fit together the elements of livelihood that appeal to me. It's not easy to describe what I'm envisioning right now, so it's a bit like "stump your supporters". A bit, I say, more than I like, really.

Three pages left on the LCC before I turn the pages over...

More... I've been too interested in the internet & suspect that I'll have to drop that along with my other crutches (caffiene & cigarettes, for example). There's no longer a reason for me to keep up with the latest software, media, news, etc. & so dropping it may come easier.

I've watched Kinsey & Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil, recently & can recommend the former. The film is attempting to be as shocking as the man, Kinsey, in the first part of the film & succeeds throughout. It's amazing the effect of his studies, which I've never really thought of much, until getting the distinct feeling that they've shaped a lot of popular culture, at least, in the last fifty or so years.

k, I think I've scammed enough time away from chores... I'll be heading out now...

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