it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Monday, January 20, 2003

accidently deleted this:
Saturday, January 11, 2003

Whoo hoo! bought a replacement scanner today!!! I'm short one photo editing program, so there isn't much to show for it, but it's only a matter of time now. I have one comment overall: IT SCANS NEGATIVES. I'm excited about this.

My photoshop bombed and I don't have the program cd anymore. Many things have been mislaid in moves from here to there. So, while I gather my funds to get a new version - this will have to do.

It's been a full day today. I went to a work conference, on valuing the diversity of women, cultures, various orientations, etc. Thursday and Friday. I've had significant opportunities to view the different cultures inhabited by men and women in the past few months, this was the capper. I even got to meet with our company's CEO to discuss possible solutions with a bunch of other women. So this conference sent me into information overload. There were speakers who blew my mind and speakers who sent me packing, back to work to get sorted on the new position. Jason showed up to drag me off to a final meeting Friday night - and although I protested his suggestion of a nap before any Friday night festivities, I found myself unconscious until 5:30am this morning. Surprised, we got up and looked around Seattle for an early breakfast joint and ended up cooling our heels in Fremont, while waiting for the earliest opening restaurant. Breakfast rocked, nothing like being the only customers in the joint. It gave us time to plan for our day and the week.

We're expecting a crowd this weekend and are scaling up on kitchen ware and the like. I'm minutes away from a detailed plan for the week, involving many recipes and plans to entertain a dozen or so. Should be a blast and is, in fact, our very first dinner party. There is something to our domesticity that encourages us to keep it to just two of us. So this is new. We have a pretty diverse circle of pals. We looked especially for people who would enjoy each other, of course. It's a gas to invite people over. I brought the polaroid, so I've got snaps of a few of the participants. Delightful folks.

On the down side, we just found out there is a need to make amends with our neighbor/landlord. Her holiday card - signed and everything - is sitting in our still-stuffed full of bills, outgoing mail box. Sigh. I hate when that happens. Our landlord is a great lady - we don't get enough time to hang out with her - so these courtesies are important.

I should move on to the task list - s'all for tonight.

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