it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Saturday, September 25, 2004

It's later. Invader Zim is on, the one where he took his parents to PTA night. Funny stuff.

Jason and I ran about 7.5 miles, down 34th and through Golden Gardens. It was fun to run with him - which is good, because running in the last few weeks has been more trying than fun. I don't need to run heaps this week, but it would be good to keep up with training.

It feels like there's so much more research to do, not to run the race, but to be comfortable during the race. Jason and I each tried some of the gu & powerbar gel & there was definitely a difference - I felt pretty even during the run. I'm trying to track down all of the other things that'll make a difference.

Now I've got to switch focus to the two art projects - the auction at work & the 8x10 "muse" piece - I need 27 pieces for the latter. Both are due at the end of this week. I've already worked with Ivey Seright to get two different images printed on watercolor paper with archival ink. It's a test - and I had hoped that they would arrive on time - but they will be ready on the 4th - so I should have a plan b. Sunday, I'm thinking, will be the time to execute plan b. I can still use the images - just need some archival ink for my local printer & a plan. May need to jet to Kinko's for the 11x14. I'm thinking out loud here, but then, I should be able to get a frame. Maybe.

Invader Zim, Gaudi, Dave Chappelle - are on their way back to netflix. Easy Rider, Blue in the Face & Bartleby are on their way here. Netflix is a great service. But we've been inclined to try to watch films we've heard of, but haven't seen - shouldn't be a problem really, but what ends up happening is that we get a bunch of downer movies in a row. Lot's of queu sorting has to happen to evenly distribute the dour between the humorous or banal.


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