it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Saturday without plans.

Well, outside plans that is... I'm folding yesterday's laundry & am gearing up for today's laundry. As soon as I can finish all of the laundry, I can go back to doing dishes as my house chore. I'm looking forward to the fallout from our experiment - a while ago, Jason and I swapped chores. He's been doing dishes & I've been doing laundry. (Jason and I have specific chores we're responsible for, thus - there are chores we're not responsible for). There'll be things neither of us liked and more interestingly, things we don't mind so much or even enjoy, and presumably, we can become more flexible than before.

I'm listening to StarIQ's weekly astrological radio show. If you can listen to audio shows online, then go here for the show I am listening to while I write.

This week has been tough, Jason's been feeling ill & so we've played most of our weekend by ear. On the whole, it's favored naps & quiet time, so that's been rewarding. We've also had the great luxury of spending Thanksgiving with Richard, Greg, Barbara, Sheila & Amabelle. That was after we spent 4-5 days with Jason's parents, including a trip to Mt. Rainier. We had so much fun with those folks. Amazing, actually, it's been a very good couple of days.

I've been slowly putting the house back together. We sort of dismantle everything when J's parents come to stay. I moved a bunch of stuff to the basement, to make it more comfortable for us & it worked. With our schedule so tight during work time, it falls to these family visits to rejigger the house. It'll probably take the rest of the weekend to finish fiddling around with the furniture.

There's also the half-marathon tomorrow. We're talking about going running today, around 4 miles, which works for me. But I'm really on the fence about running this half-marathon. I don't want to get sick after & with Jason feeling so sick, I've been knee deep in germs. I would like to start working out again, without a goal for a while, & so am angling to do either the run - or get back to working out. Whichever I can do without getting sick is my choice.

I've taken so many pictures lately. It's been a real pleasure, because I've been printing out photos for folks, so they can have a copy. It's more fun, even, than posting the galleries.

Finally, it's time to corral the gifts I've been daydreaming about for family. It's that time of year.


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