it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Saturday, October 30, 2004

I'm sitting here, after an 8 mile run, waiting for my turn in the shower & then a late breakfast at Longshoreman's Daughter. I asked Jason to join me on the Burke Gilman trail this morning, along with the other marathon trainers, so I'd have someone who would actually run with me.

Our reward: the standard (not taken for granted yet, tho) beautiful vistas - poplars and autumn colors, blue herons-grebes-geese-ducks and today a very impressive bald eagle - first gliding down the slough, then ignoring a determined red-tailed hawk who was tussling for the eagle's prey which was dangling temptingly from the eagle's beak. That, along with the assurance that I can run 2/3rds of the half marathon that I signed up for back in August.

Last night we caught a few tv shows & flicks, spending the night as close to bed time as we could muster. These last few weeks have been exhausting for J & I've been sleeping off any temptation to workout over my post-marathon limit. Now I'm almost back to my regular workout schedule. We saw Saved, another Six Feet Under, Arrested Development & have A Slipping Down Life for another night.

Did I mention the thing, about the electoral college reporting? I know I must have, but perhaps I didn't sufficiently convey the excitement that inspires in me. It's up there, that activity, with some pretty significant contenders.


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