it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Jason is applauding my slightly inebrieted attempt to pop him with bottle caps from across the room. That's just what's happening now, but it says plenty. Jema, my cat, is fussing for attention.

This week has been a doozy, but fortunately, I've been able to accomplish some stuff & so feel ok. My photo of some kids hangs for sale up on the wall of our cafeteria - the chateau, Jason and I call it - I've posted vacation photos to my in-laws & have sent my sister some pretty things, because I love her.

I have not, however, been able to reconstruct my pre-marathon workout schedule, or any schedule, when it comes to that & that, therefore, is my only "personal life" gripe. Doing that marathon shocked the hell out of me & I feel a bit touchy about how/when/where I will workout - which means I've only run once with Jason & then only a few miles.

Beyond that, I guess I'm kinda wanting to share that I don't feel very strident about the last post on the site, specifically in regards to the astrological assessment of what's happening. I was talking with a co-worker today about the increased emphasis on death & other worldly things on tv & cable these days & brought up that "Pluto was in Scorpio & now is in Sag, suggesting that investigations of death related things & a search for truth were hallmarks of this time" & then felt pretty goofy because I know he doesn't buy into the whole astrological signatures. Likewise, the signatures that call out for an increase in discipline, I leave totally in the hands of the individuals who read this - vs. issuing an astrological edict - type-thing.

What else? Literally, Jason is appearing to me as a Pablo Picasso masterpiece, complete with three eyes, etc. It's possible that I've imbibed too much to be a coherent writer, such as I am in any event & so I'll sign off. You know, Peace out g.


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