it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

If I had my druthers, I'd be posting more photos. I'm swamped though, at work & in prep for this Sunday's marathon antics.

I feel wound up. Kind of analogous to the Mount St. Helens - earthquakes, expeditions in search of magma - you know, evacuation plans in place. Jason was talking about booking the hotel tonight, with a friend we hope to see there this weekend & I felt a bit panicked - as though we were rushing things quite a bit.

Ah, a different topic. I went to Ivey's to see my proofs. Digital images on watercolor paper kick butt. I will have to actually spend time with the prints to see if I buy that they're art worthy, but hell, they do represent the image, sans pixels...

Jason just asked me if I had to look up how to spell panicked. Now he's asking if I hate him. And now, if I got A+'s for keyboarding, because I'm trying to stare him down while I type. He's been playing accordian to R.E.M.s Find the River while I've been putzing around on the computer. Now he's done & so, naturally, he's very curious about what I'm up to. Now he's laughing.

So, to end this scrambled - too tired post:

Everybody, watch the debates tomorrow. Keep an eye out for debate bingo & be creative with your drinking games (NY Times called them the squint vs. smile, the podium slapper vs. the air chopper -- make of that what you will). There'll be plenty to talk about after Bush & Kerry do their debate & I'm looking forward to it.


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