Note: I can't believe the utter destruction of the recent Tsunami. Do whatever you can to help. Oxfam, Red Cross & Save the Children are all worth it for donations. Thanks.
Back from retreat, for a moment. J & I are heading up to Winthrop today, for the weekend. 5 hours, through the snow - but it'll be worth it.
Here are some preliminary pics from the Oregon trip:

there's more, here are the links:
First stop Olympia, where logging & govt. are king.
View from my room
Oregon Christmas lights, and another shot.
Shots from the aquarium: starfish, eel, devilfish & a crab with anemone.
A few shots from the spot where I stayed... the Necanicum river was just up the block & here's a snap of the fancy resort I didn't stay in.
Finally, the ride home, where the elk were surprisingly plentiful.
I did stay quiet & read, but also spent too much time watching tv.
More to come, after the new year.
At 8:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
That sucked
At 5:20 PM,
Lillian said…
Anonymous, tough crowd. Sorry you were dropped here. Folks in the areas where the tsunami struck still need your help. Get to work, eh?
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