or how I was spun about,
by Lillian Bennett - age 38
Here we are, just a few days from Christmas & I'm full of good cheer (as seen in this pic from Thanksgiving). J and I are heading out to the movies tonight & if I play my cards right, we can shoot pics of Christmas lights.
These last few weeks have been wa-a-a-a-y too much for me. I've been lurking about, in my head anyway, stealthfully approaching silence. It's been completely evasive, but I've been patient. At this time, the preparations for my eventual retreat are unrolling. The time to look inward is quickly coming to me. I feel it almost in every pore.
Shopping is done, work is slowing down, we've been nesting enough so that, though the house is a wreck, it's a familiar and comforting wreck. And now there's time to clean & sort through the madness to a simpler sense of order.
We hosted Shebi Arus Friday. Lot's of folks came over to recognize the passing of Rumi. Rose oil filled the air & we had a great time together, after sharing poetry & stories of how we got to the Sufi path. I turned a bit, not much. I miss turning, but it is very demanding on the body.
Sunday was the Solstice & I joined some friends to sing & dance and talked about where I'd go on retreat. We gave gifts & I think it was the first time I truly felt the give and take of that process. I felt really connected to the folks around me.
I'm fiendishly hungry to do art - I've GOT to unload that camera.
I'll go do that, now...
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