it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Saturday, January 08, 2005

After seeing Hotel Rwanda

In the spring of '94, I was preparing to go to school in Scotland. The big news story in the US was the OJ Simpson case. I went to school, graduated in '96 & just saw the film Hotel Rwanda. There's a line that one of the departing photographers says, as he's getting onto a bus - leaving behind thousands of folks who will surely be murdered. He says "I'm so ashamed". Right now, the Sudan is experiencing the same & Barundi, same. What is our obligation as people, to ensure peace for all? What is our obligation as americans?

I remember chiding my mother for her ignorance of the concentration camps in WWII, pardoning her only for slavery - which predated her. I've lived now through so many atrocities that haven't affected my day to day. I hope that I can take actions that help people live lives that reflect their inherent value.

Troubling stuff.


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