I painted tonight. Got the drafting table up into the dining room, which I'm taking over as a studio for the cooler Seattle months. Did three paintings, started them anyway. I've pulled an image from earlier as my inspiration, duplicating a photograph from 1993 - in Volunteer Park, facing the Lake View cemetery, where Bruce Li's remains remain.
This was a fun weekend. We helped friends demolish their kitchen Saturday - tearing sheetrock & lath from walls that were coming down anyway - pulling up tile and finding more linoleum underneath - breaking door & window frames after removing the glass. After that, we went to a birthday party...for everyone born in January. Happy birthday everyone born in January! This means you - Barb, Kat, Connie, Dad, Lolly, Tricia and dear lord I hope I didn't forget anyone.
Today was pretty mellow in comparison. I pulled pics from the camera of the recent snowstorm, the above mentioned party & Pearl, Kachi's pet cockatiel. That took a big chunk of the day, then putting the studio together took time, then painting...all that's left is cleaning up the mess in the kitchen & then off to bed.
I'm not posting pics tonight, I'm happy enough to have painted.
At 11:21 AM,
Lillian said…
Hi Dave,
I have picks up at Oblique Deck, an MSN Group where I store my portfolio. Here's a link to Thesis work (circa '96): http://groups.msn.com/ObliqueDeck/thesiswork.msnw and another to recent work: http://groups.msn.com/ObliqueDeck/recentworks.msnw
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