it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Neck pain

slept wrong last night & feeling it today. My boss asked me if I had literal neck pain or if I was just using that metaphor to make a comment on work. Work has been tough lately, it's never been a breeze, but lately it's been so much about hairpin turns and looping people into projects at the last minute that my head is spinning.

The band is coming over tonight, J is out getting the remaining recording bits & pieces after dissing my guitar/amp setup. Given that I last played guitar around 20 years ago, I should begrudge him the comments, but the guitar was from my pal Joe & I don't want J besmirching a gift, you know?

I just put on one of the marriage mixes J is doing for the upcoming family wedding. Good stuff, but I can't nab it yet because he hasn't made another copy. I'm back on his list of people who need cds though, which is good.

May Day photos will be coming up shortly. I passed the camera around & so have a TON of pics, but will put up just the pictures I took here. I've been reviewing the various places where I've stashed my photos & the compressions I have to do is bumming me out. The pictures on this site are ok, but I'll have to consider the abc's of photo editing in the next few months, to see if I can improve the quality bar.

Eek, just checked work mail & took the zest out of posting this. More when I resume my "cheerful disposition".



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