it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Useless with films that showcase the weaknesses of humankind, that's me. I'm watching Insomnia - post-band rehearsal. I'm well creeped out & thought about bringing to light the eerie but beautiful work of Ralph Eugene Meatyard. Like the painterly portraits of Julia Margaret Cameron, Meatyard focused on the ephemeral moments of life -- but unlike Cameron, Meatyard was focused on the plainly creepy in life.

Graciela Iturbide brings the lyrical side of ephemeral life, with the minimum of creep. Nan Goldin does the creep, minus the ephemera. Lartigue provided an entertaining view into his life in the early 1900's, minus almost entirely the creep.

Stieglitz was the master... Levitt is charming, Muybridge was a badass...

All of this is just to say I'm awed by this work. I'm awed & angling for it. I've recently re-read this work on "how to think like a genius". Beyond just being a genius, which I can't see the E ticket to, the key is productivity. Which for me is frustrating because I'm pooped. I'm keeping up with photos, but if you saw the stack of painting concepts and unfinished work in my, like many of my friends would say "put on a show". Which I'm not ready to do, even years after I thought I was.

Patience is the ticket, I'm sure. I plan on shifting the focus from work to art this summer & even tho I've stated that before, it feels more real now. Patience is the key, so I'll add to that persistence & figure out how to get those two to converge...

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