it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Sunday, October 02, 2005

My heavens

Spent the whole day packing, cept for a scant time spent watching some random dvd on the leetle tiny player. We've almost got the whole kitchen wrastled to the ground.

I checked the MLS site for our house, for pictures don't you know...and it's OFF THE MARKET. I'm so excited it's absolutely ludicrous. Also, there were thunderstorms in Seattle today. Also, Also, got the e-mail from the in-laws that the Danube is indeed what it's cracked up to be.

Finally, bubble wrap -- I'm for it, not even in moderation. Finally, finally, there's no way to calculate the value of true friends. I can't even go into it now except that it warms my heart and calls to action anything I can do in the black, if you know what I mean.

The night grows old & with it my slumber beckons. Off I go...



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