it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Friday, October 19, 2007

up late... 'nother big weekend on the way

plastic flowers
plastic flowers,
originally uploaded by Lilbenne.
There was a wind storm tonight. D & I carpooled it across the lake - watching the whitecaps to the left of the 520 and the relative calm of the water to the right of the floating bridge. "Passive/Aggressive" D called it & it was a stroke of genius.

I joined him at the Paragon where B was selling her handmade jewelry. D got me a beer for driving and we sat & chatted for what seemed like hours. I could've stayed there all night, whiling away the time.

It's late & I've barely got started on my chores. We have company this weekend & so it's time to tidy. J is feeling much, much better, which is a very good thing. It's been a bit more than I could handle on my own, pitching in to make his convalescence less stark and keeping up with the mess I was making along the way.

Work is busy as always. There seems to be an ever increasing quality to the work I'm involved in - cool, cool projects & I'm such a sucker for that.

I've missed taking pictures lately. Not doing much of anything besides the one or two things I've picked out to do. My studio sits cold & set up for painting. It's possible that I can do that this weekend.

We're starting to think of costumes for Halloween. My favorite holiday.


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