Catching up
Happy almost Labor Day - happy end of summer!
I just got the old laptop back after a spell in the laptop repair joint. Thought I'd toss up a post to get back into the habit after a very quiet summer, blog-wise.
Notable events:
Most recent - the art studio is cleaned out & ready for action. I am estatic & inspired - baby steps...
In August -
Got to reconnect with a friend I've had since I arrived here almost 20 years ago. She means the whole world to me, so that is very good news indeed. Like many Virgos, she celebrated her birthday recently & J and I joined in to cheer her on.
Nephew visited - some photos included below. We managed a hike or two, he baked us cookies & we discussed his future. Always planning ahead, he's in his junior year in high school & looking for a landing pad after graduation. Good times!
I have a clean bill of health, after a pretty crappy couple of years. Now that I'm able to build on what I have instead of swim along the currents of trying to maintain, I'm eager - still cautious - to get back into the swing of things.
Astrology is coming along - expect to hear more in October. In the meantime, buckle down in your work & don't be distracted. Big changes are coming that are a welcome change for folks who are working hard and trying to be consistent. With change, comes a degree of chaos, hence the advice to not get distracted.
I'll leave off here, photos & music to follow:

That's How Things Get Done
Days turn into afternoons
Afternoons turn into weeks
Pretty soon another year is gone
Still you ain’t got yourself no peace
What’s the use of sitting around waiting
Anticipating your whole life away
Waiting for you ship to come
Come on that sunny day
Put your mind to it
see yourself through it
First step is the hardest
But you got to get yourself started
Ain’t no way for a garden to grow
You got to water, got to work with the hoe
Ain’t no way for yourself to get fed
You don’t get up and get out of bed
Wash your face, comb your hair
Get on straight and get out there
That’s how things get
That’s how things get
That’s how they get done
Open up your mind
Put your body in motion
Go ahead and make yourself a clean sweep
You ain’t a bear, you don’t need that much sleep
The world is sick, It’s an epidemic
Sometimes what I think we need
Is one good swift kick
Pasted from
get to leave
J sent me this tonight Richard Buckner - The Worst Way
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