it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


First day of work was today - & I had a great time. I'm sure it'll take a while to settle into the schedule, but it was a blast to get stuff done, meet new people & catch up with folks I worked with a few years ago.


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  • At 10:40 PM, Blogger Eero said…

    When I don't work, I am sooooo lazy. I have this fantasy that I'll be so productive with art, etc., but in actuality, it's the time OFF of work that is the best. Job makes free time so precious.

    Now go make art!


  • At 1:27 AM, Blogger Lillian said…

    I'm dying to - and yet keep creating blockages. I can honor my desire to do astrology, work & be in a relationship & somehow, the art piece feels blocked. Photography is the it right now, for me. Painting? I have a piece on my wall right now, filled with writing, sharpie no less, "No hysterectomy, keep an eye on health"... maybe another week or so of counseling.

    Seriously, I know it's what I need above all else, so what on earth is stopping me? The ironing mentioned in the following post... happened in my studio.


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