Woke up with a desire to crack open a New York Times & then remembered how disappointed I am in that newspaper & in news in general lately. Apart from the upcoming election in France, the news was a bit too gloomy for a Sunday look see; the reduction in welfare & Medicaid is indicated in the increase in infant deaths, the ongoing issues with the dismissal of 8 US attorneys, the list goes on and gets worse.
I used to think that if more people knew something was bad happening, it would motivate folks to intervene. It may be more accurate to say that knowledge has little relation to what can be done to help.
So, no paper this morning. After breakfast, J got busy in the yard & has been out there all day. I've been inside, hanging new curtains and doing chores. It's so beautiful outside. We've got seeds to plant - vegetables & flowers. There are tulips out now, the dogwood tree is in full bloom and we harvested our first bunch of asparagus yesterday. There are so many things to do to get the ball rolling, not to mention we'll have our first actual harvest this year & will need to be ready to grab the food & share it.
Speaking of sharing, we have a plant we're hoping to have adopted. It's a pretty sedum, or sempervivum & it's crowded into a spot with rosemary & primrose. I have a picture of it below:

I've got a Territorial Seed catalog to pore over & dinner is almost ready. J is downtown so I'm getting the mashed potatoes & turkey meatloaf ready. We've still got spinach in the yard, that should round out the meal.
These last few weeks have been busy, with lots of change. I had been trying to schedule surgery and wasn't looking forward to it - I got a reprieve of sorts -
The doctor I'm working with has given me a clean bill of health & surgery has been canceled. That has sparked a big change - I can get back to work & all of the things that entails, I've been getting more active & honestly, I'm looking forward to rejoining the world in progress.
Last week we went down to a local park to have ourselves a beach fire. Hopefully, the first of many.

At 5:40 PM,
Eero said…
Clean bill of health! That's great! Sounds like life is really good for you right now.
Gardening for us is still a few weeks away...
Crazy as it sounds, we're already chainsawing up some firewood for next winter. in the north.
Good to read your always, like to know what you're up to.
At 5:42 PM,
Lillian said…
Thanks you!! It's lovely that we can keep in touch this way.
I was looking up Iceland yesterday, my brother is heading there for his late honeymoon soon. It's roughly the same latitude (or is that longitude?) as Alaska!
Can't wait to see what you grow this year. It's such a relief to come home and garden a bit each day. In NC they were stocking up on wood in late March.
ok, back to getting ready for work - I just got a job this week :>. Hurrah for wellness!!
At 7:16 AM,
Pam said…
Yay! Clean bill of health! YAY!
At 7:49 PM,
Lillian said…
You said it, sister!
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