it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Home, between errands, after spending the weekend with friends. This year was the 20th anniversary of the astrology conference & I ended up volunteering to help out with the family business. On the second evening I spent with this group, there was a party with dancing, men in tuxes & women in gowns. I got to join the happy family in the center, relishing the words of long time friends & applause for the Lady next to me. She is the matriarch of the family, having moved mountains to make this annual event happen. Her daughter, a beloved friend, was checking in with all of the guests, making sure that everyone had what they needed. The granddaughter, grown into a young woman, sat with her boyfriend in his navy whites, and entertained the table with her wry humor & quick smile. The evening, like the entire weekend, was full of hugs & warm wishes, palpable support. It was a really lovely thing to be a part of.

Tomorrow, we (just two of us now), are heading up Tiger Mountain. Tonight is a scramble of chores, work & getting stuff ready for a hike. Also, tonight is me being a bit goofy with tiredness & estatic to be home, sweet home. I'll get some much needed puttering done tonight, if I get my druthers.


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