I signed up for the marathon I'll do this year, the first I've ever done, just yesterday. Training starts Monday. I get to do yoga again (had dropped it for May) and probably will stop strength training. I'm aiming to start out at 15 miles per week and do around that number for a few weeks, before starting any weeks with long distance runs in them. I just started researching stretching today. I've been sort of half-hazard with my stretching & seems like that's what's important to build in, about now.
Yesterday was a painting day. I'm working on three. I've got in-progress scans from poloroids of two of them:

click here and here for larger versions.
I'm jazzed that I signed up for the marathon. That & art will be my two big things through October. It's nice work towards having only a few things to concentrate on for a stretch.
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