it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Packing up

Next on the agenda - a weekend of moving. We got a place. It's a done deal now.

I've been packing my art storage space all night. I'm a procrastinator for starters, but this packing has been a doozy. I have enough time, but still seem to stress the same amount. I guess it takes practice to calm down around such a big change.

We're wrapping up the packing portion of this weekend tomorrow night. I've pulled ten more boxes into the basement - I hope that by rallying all of the boxes, I'll feel more motivated to load them up if there are enough for everything. There's still heaps of framed and unframed work to wrangle, but I guess that will be the next big hurdle.

Got to catch up with family over the weekend. It was very fun, very rainy & very much an outdoor wedding. I heard that my sister fell ill Monday and am rooting for her to get better. We'll know more on Friday about what happens next.

I should get back to those boxes...

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