it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Friday, March 17, 2006

Friday wrap-up

Trying a few new things here:

First, John Lee Hooker's Hobo Blues, live courtesy J &

Now, the news of the week:

J & I took some time to put together a packet for J's bro's wedding - pictures & sound for family folk. We're popping them in the mail this weekend.

That led to me tending a big 'ole backlog of images that I owe folks from last year. I've gone through 6 cds so far & haven't calculated the total I will go through. Some have ended up on Flickr.

The Blind Shoemaker's Union is coming together. That's the band J is in. They are having an open house sort of thing next week. They want feedback cause they can't hear themselves anymore. J's been making cd's of their weekly practices & we listene dto one last night going for a food run for a late supper. All the elements are there, but there's still more shaking out to do with the vocals.

Jema just came upstairs. She's so old. 16 years this year, tho I fudge the numbers regularly because she's just 3 or so to me. A former room-mate's cat died this week. Same age as Jema. There's something so vulnerable about the relationship between a cat & their person. Not to get all cat lady on you, but there is. My cat is ridiculously important to me. She's super independent, but we're really close. So my friend's loss hit me.

This weekend, J & I have few social commitments & hopefully it won't rain, so I'd like to spend some time in the garden. I did some cutting back of plants earlier this week & so much is happening in the yard, it could use another look. We've got daffodils, crocuses (croci?), hyacinths, tulips & more peeping up throughout the yard. There's no telling what else is planted there - should be a very fun Spring/Summer plant-wise.

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