it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Note to self

Tulips in WA are at their peak in April, the bald eagles feed in the Skagit in Dec-Feb.

I bring this up because when my sister & brother-in-law visited this weekend, we took a drive up to Newhalem, Ross Lake area. We ended up visiting the wildlife center there & taking in the sights (and the sights are plenty, here's the pics from J & my last trip there.) . I was hoping that a few bald eagles would have lingered, even though the salmon run that feeds them ended in December. No such luck. We did see a golden eagle last year tho, pics here and below.

The visit was dreamy - we all had such a good time! It means heaps to me to have my sister see the new place & take some time to relax. She has always been incredibly caring and super responsible, sometimes overwhelming herself with obligations. There's nothing quite as popular in the world as a helpful person & a capable, helpful person is just going to be in high demand.

My brother-in-law is no slouch either. He has amazing stories about his youth in Nepal, Cyprus & Turkey - a super dry sense of humor (which I didn't get until I was well past my senseetive adolescent years) and is just a swell guy all around.

A terrific weekend to get me into the two week class on vocational astrology. I'm looking at Martha Stewart's chart and following the details that reveal the underlying desires that motivate folks to choose the work they do. Martha's chart is a great one to look at & I'll look at charts from recent readings as well, to help get into the swing of things.

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