it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Sunday, December 04, 2005

tpm = tasks per minute

Not much time to type - J and I are heading out to wrap up holiday shopping and get ready for the very soon to come trip to Turkey which is almost upon us.

There are people on this year's tour that are already in Konya - we're getting love letters everyday about this trip - it's beginning to feel real. Our passports arrived this week, both needed updating. Visas are $20 when we get to the airport in Istanbul.

I thought I'd drop a line before we get too far into the day (or week).

Yesterday I got to hang out with the Women in Black at Bellevue Square Mall. It was inclement, but wonderful to spend time with Lee. I did a queenly wave as folks went by - some not so pleased to see folks on the other side of their opinion, some happy to get support for their own line of thinking. A bespoke gentleman stopped us to thank us, his demeanor was distinguished & so it was a pleasure to hear the women there accepting his thanks.

Later, when I was home again, I tried to wrestle the guest room from the boxes that linger there with not much luck. I think I managed to get a bunch of magnets that used to be on our refrigerator unboxed.

Ah! My birthday came last week! It was a lovely non-affair - musicians came over for practice (that's about the best gift I could get anytime, live music in the house) and I put out oranges & water for folks to enjoy. Also got a book on Ed Abbey and other special items.

My position at the temp job is off for the remainder of the time before Turkey and for a bit after too. I have to automate a database in excel and so am still charged with that. Seems like it'll work out just fine overall.

It snowed this week - no pics are up yet, but J got some lovely shots of the yard. I got some too... lots of camera work these days (imagine what will go up in a few weeks!)

I better wrap up, it's almost two here & there's loads to be done!

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