it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Friday, December 09, 2005

Mile High City

Well, we've made it to Colorado intact. Frankfurt comes next. J's getting his shoeshine on & we've just had lunch.

I keep thinking if time rolled backwards - I could easily head back to March of this year and feel right at home. 2005 has been like living with a circus, lot's of moving parts and glitter - then hella hard work for the show to go on.

Seattle was cold this morning - we were on day 3 of no central heat. So, really, it was cold. Jema is off with a friendly sitter & folks will be stopping by to see to other details & to keep the house occuppied. When we get home, in addition to the gardening we want to dive into, it'll be time to get some of the home improvements going. Welcome to home ownership.

I'm hoping to slow down or at least centralize my efforts - maybe sticking around the house - for 2006. I do have a bunch of ideas, but am eager to walk instead of hover across this path.

Time's up. Next post will be from outside the US.

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