it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Good news from J & local friends!

Jason is going to NY this weekend to turn at Lincoln Center with Turkish singer, Ahmet Ozhan. More information on the performance is here and Ahmet's singing here.

Brian Murphy won the well-deserved Behnke Foundation Award in this year's painting category. To hear a review of his work, KUOW. The discussion centers around Rhododendrons and azaleas & so I'm letting y'all know that before you select the audio - I loved it, but I believe my plant geekiness is only beginning to show.

My accomplishments today include clearing more of the bed in the front yard, deadheading the daisies that my sister got for me on her recent visit and getting vacuum bags from the store. I did get info on a possible part-time job, which is loverly. I'm getting jazzed now about the little jobs associated with gardening - there's something very bouyant about working with plants.

Oh, I did do well at yesterday's turn class. It's been a while since I've even turned in class, though I've attended class more regularly this year than in others. Last night, I hit a speedbump & had tremendous energy with which to turn. Fortunately, the ateshbaz - or teacher - wanted to turn a lot to prep for Saturday & so we turned to two songs - about 20 minutes or so of turning.

Since our Sema in Turkey, I have recalled that a semazen I turned with in Galata was praised for turning in very the tight space that we turned in. It's difficult to not bump into someone, while turning, in general and the number of people turning at Galata was a bit large for the space we had to turn in.

The dance we do is best if it looks effortless - but the experience is rarely that way. There is a certain grace to the movements - but if you add other people and try to move in a circle while turning, it ramps up the number of obstacles to reaching that grace.

Finding a groove between two people who are also turning is a job of constant observation & an ability to start and stop on a dime. My turn is evolving, so I'm still paying attention to where my center is & how many movements I'm using to accomplish the turn (three steps should do it, I tend to add a few to compensate for losing my balance).

The yoga I used to do helped, because those slow, still stretches & odd positions emphasize strengthening the overall body. That helps in turning because there's no physical equivalent to the movements you make. In day to day life, you're not going to turn yourself around on your left leg. The same could be said for "the pigeon" or "downward dog". I mean, c'mon...

So when Scott (our ateshbaz) suggested the lengthy walk turning, I focused on keeping my spot, between J & Michael. I had to stop and start & I couldn't tell if we would ever develop into the groove. But that happened & I felt fairly even in the turn as a result.

Ok, time's a wastin'. I'm heading back out into the garden.

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