it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Pouring again...

It's dumping rain today and was the same yesterday.

J called to say everything went really well in New York. He didn't let me know when he'd be arriving today, though. I can't wait to hear how it was to be in New York like we were in Turkey - there's nothing like Turkish hospitality & that counts no matter where the visit takes place.

Dinner tonight was a treat. Five of my favorite women, potluck style, all foodies and all have plenty going on. More potential bike riding & walking dates & a book to read. This was very satisfying. Also fun to hear the joy & trials of raising teenagers - two of our number have new drivers in their midst.

Potential stuff reduction happening today. We have an insane bookshelf/queensize fold out bed. It's a terrific & fun piece of furniture - but we're done with it in the new place and it would be nice to feel less crowded in the living room. Folks are coming by today to see it.

Happy Easter everyone!

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