it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Prep time

Things happen when one is ready to leave a city, if only for a short time. J & I are heading East to visit with family, an annual tradition that rocks and always satisfies. So, we had two folks to visit with today and it was a blast to hang out with both.

I'm feeling a might better, as they say (in the parlance of our times), and so picking rasberries this afternoon to load up a friend who likes berries was a treat. Likewise, it was a blast to share stories with a former/current co-worker over shorty dogs at Shortie's Coney Island tonight.

We're getting ready for the trip, menus ready and all that. Packing will begin tomorrow. I have a full week of seeing folks for astrology readings and sheer pleasure, as well as increased momentum at work. The only downside to this trip is that I'm likely to be camera shy as my fancy-super-duper camera is out of commission and too pricey (and schedule conflicting) to get fixed before we leave. Not that that's all downside, because I do tend to hide out behind the camera and am weary of that bad habit.

Seattle is rainy - a funny comment, but the first it's been for weeks. As a new gardener, I appreciate nature taking up where I can't seem to provide - the garden will have enough water & the nascent grapes and dwindling berries do appreciate it, along with me.

I'm starting Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven on the dvd player, for entertainment while I do the days dishes. J has asked for a head's up so he can join me. I tell you, it's been a nice evening.

Thanks for checking in.

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