Whew, got that out of the way
First day back at the ol' job & I'm glad to have it all underway. Took a nap when I got home & woke up to J's fine spaghetti dinner. Wanted to stay up to get a bunch of cleaning done - little stuff & have done nothing of the sort. Caught up with Dan via instant messenger & have been surfing my flickr pics since.
Tomorrow I'd like to get the gardening wrapped up. We've still got a yard or two of the compost mulch to plop onto the garden & I'm sure there's more asparagus ready to harvest. Then there's putting together the home office. I've heard it's going to rain, but I'm not even going there. I mean, what do I know?
I've been studying some of the more medieval aspects of astrology these days. There's a system to establish dignity - which ends up meaning working on your own or tagging along with others. It's not complex, but it's not easy to puzzle out why certain combinations are together. I enjoy the puzzle.
Last weekend was so full of good conversations - I feel like a tub of water, walking around & trying not to spill over. There's something about opening your home to folks & really being interested in hearing where they've been that is so satisfying. Of course, I usually need a few days of quiet time with J to ease on back to my regularly scheduled programming, but it's very worthwhile nonetheless.
Guess I should give up the ghost & get to bed.
At 6:13 AM,
Reynolds said…
Woo hoo! A place to go for the day AND spaghetti!
At 10:35 PM,
Lillian said…
I'll say!
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