dusk is on it's way...

I couldn't ask for a better week. Lot's of fun bike riding around Lake Washington starting at Seward Park, having friends over to the house for the first time, cooking pupusas - food that reminds me of the brief year I spent in San Francisco and to top it off, a trip to the Average Joe Cat Show.
There's still more to go - the weekend is jam-packed with activities & friends in town. We're going to do a maypole celebration tomorrow, then off to Whidbey Island (the Whidbey Institute) for a Mevlevi event - then days of talking with friends from Portland/Hawaii/etc.
Jason gave me the greatest gift today - time to think about storage for the art studio. We got one shelf of a set that we'll get over time. He's out buying corn for the Chicken Corn Chowder he'll be making tonight for the potluck portion of our weekend (I'll help with the dumpling-like rivels) and I'm heading out to put the shelves together. It's been great working together - with folks coming to stay, it's good to know we've got each other's backs.
Twighlight is here. It rained today, leaving drops on all of the leaves, blossoms & veggies in the garden. Beautiful, but cold. I got a few shots before the sun dispersed & now the inky gray clouds are all that's left of the day.
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