it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Saturday, November 08, 2003

Another view of 1975.

This turned out to be one of my favorite years in school. In this picture, I'm wearing my favorite maxi-dress, a la Laura Ingalls Wilder. 5th grade was best when I volunteered at the Math Lab. I would practice, non-chalantly, a math-ier than thou attitude, leaning against the cash register at the pretend market where second graders learned to use math while shopping. Or, I would exude confidence when demonstrating math used while baking, another example. The high point for this experience was a photo shoot for the local paper. Nothing like fame, especially when combined with math - even simple math.

And now, a buffalo:
took this picture when Kat was out visiting in '96. We went to Sequim, to the wild animal farm. Anyone can drive through a field of Buffalo there. I was terrified of the Buffalo, but took this picture.
