it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Littlest birds sing the prettiest songs

Better, things are much better.

Halloween evening has been quiet, even with a big ole' lit up pumpkin welcoming folks at our front porch. Just as well, really, the first round of kids scored big - taking most of the candy we got for the night.

Things have evened out, it's not exactly quiet, but there's no sacrificing weekends or evenings to ventures that we do not choose. Holidays are coming, with good company guaranteed. and with the cold weather wrapping up gardening for the meantime, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve to help us get the yard tidied up & ready for spring.

It's cozy in the house tonight. Loads of reading to do now that we've hit the quiet evening hours.

Friday, October 19, 2007

up late... 'nother big weekend on the way

plastic flowers
plastic flowers,
originally uploaded by Lilbenne.
There was a wind storm tonight. D & I carpooled it across the lake - watching the whitecaps to the left of the 520 and the relative calm of the water to the right of the floating bridge. "Passive/Aggressive" D called it & it was a stroke of genius.

I joined him at the Paragon where B was selling her handmade jewelry. D got me a beer for driving and we sat & chatted for what seemed like hours. I could've stayed there all night, whiling away the time.

It's late & I've barely got started on my chores. We have company this weekend & so it's time to tidy. J is feeling much, much better, which is a very good thing. It's been a bit more than I could handle on my own, pitching in to make his convalescence less stark and keeping up with the mess I was making along the way.

Work is busy as always. There seems to be an ever increasing quality to the work I'm involved in - cool, cool projects & I'm such a sucker for that.

I've missed taking pictures lately. Not doing much of anything besides the one or two things I've picked out to do. My studio sits cold & set up for painting. It's possible that I can do that this weekend.

We're starting to think of costumes for Halloween. My favorite holiday.

Monday, October 15, 2007

start at the beginning

It's been a whopper of a weekend - J got hurt & has been down for the count (and will remain so for the next day at least), I've been helping him out and doing double-time - two astro readings this weekend and the rest of the content for the new site. I'll send word when it's all live & purty.

It's been foggy each morning & if we weren't running to the ER or trying to get somewhere in a hurry, it would've been a fine time for a camera.

Last Thursday the Sculpture Alumni Invitational opened at Cornish, my alma mater. Other J had a piece in the show, which was smashing (The show & her piece), along with H & other alumni who rocked. I got to reconnect with several professors, which was really lovely. It's so hard to believe it's been over ten years since I graduated.

Eero's show opened last week. There is just something so rewarding about alumni who are still doing good work & getting shows off the ground. Simply lovely to see.

I've been so swamped with wacky work hijinks and the new site that my artwork doesn't stand a chance. I miss it so, but am resolved to do one thing at a time. I am so excited to get projects underway and see them manifest. I'm confident that my art will fall into that category when the time is right.

I am wiped out & hate waking up after staying up so late the night before. This has been happening increasingly lately & I really need to put a stop to it. While I'm up, I could stay up forever. But it's really not worth it in the end.

So, I'll leave it there. J's been reading Hotel New Hampshire & if he were up, I know he'd read out loud to me. As it is, I'll finish folding the last of the laundry, hit the lights & hit the hay.

Hope you all have a great week!

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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Studio Visit

I'm working on a new site & so got some studio photos taken for it Friday. Since I enjoy the photography myself, I was looking forward to a glimpse into how a professional does it. Well, I'm pleased to say his studio was at a totally different level.

As I walked around the studio, I took in boxes of equipment, the various lighting set ups, the stark (easy to keep clean) white walls and floor. I couldn't help but do the math for all of the equipment & thought that J should say a little prayer that, although I maintain a painting studio & have good camera equipment, I don't need anywhere near the amount of set up and equipment I saw there.

The photos he took came out great. I'm stalling this evening on a few outstanding projects, including the content for the new site, an updated contact list and a freshly scrubbed content list for another web project. It's great to have the photos done.

My weekend has been a blur - I've been researching and re-writing for long stretches of each day. J says I'm crabby & I know it's true. I'm excited about what's going on with work, with life - but definitely need to get back to a better balance of working and focusing on home.

I've been listening to Bonnie Prince Billie & Del lately. J has passed the new Spoon album on and it's really good. Movie-wise, I'm still waiting for Rescue Dawn to come out on DVD, not thinking too much about the recent crop of new flicks.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

s'all good

It's been a very busy couple of weeks - with time all things fall into better proportion. Last week's trip to Mt. Rainier yielded pretty sights & some good photos:


Thanks all who sent cheery comments my way. Makes a big difference, that.

I've got a bit of work to wrap up, then back into the studio - as Eero says, the real world.