it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Monday, May 21, 2007

Seven random facts

"Each person tagged gives seven random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write on their blogs seven facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and need to read your blog".

Thanks EERO! I can't tag seven bloggers though... I'll see what I can do.

Just the facts:

1. I was on a tv quiz show in high school, twice.

2. I don't own a tv.

3. There's a load of laundry with my name on it, I'll be right back.

4. For a few years, my sisters & I walked in the local 4th of July parade.

5. My dad was on Hee Haw.

6. I don't like ending friendships... but don't suffer fools gladly.

7. I used to think the cracks in the ceiling of my childhood bedroom were from the weight of astronauts landing on our roof. It made me nervous & afraid the roof would fall in any minute.

Volunteers for seven facts can leave comments. I'll comment you & there ya go!

Monday, May 07, 2007

On domesticity...

It's late & I'm finishing up ironing. That's right, ironing. J made food for the week while I took care of the laundry, after he worked on the yard; the spinach, potatoes, asparagus, artichokes & various herbs from last season. He's got loads to plant & I'm ready to help, now that things are beginning to roll.

I'm heading in early tomorrow, my electronic building key is ready & so I have access to everything I need to get the job done. Last week was a primer, now I'm in for a proper work week. I'm looking forward to it - have asked J to consider a trip to the peninsula to clear our heads as soon as we clear out of work this Friday.

The last few days have been busy, though J tried as much as he could to stay home. Saturday was all about cats & birthdays - the Average Joe Cat Show happened & Paloma enjoyed it, mostly - & Michael had a beautiful birthday, croquette & bbq and friends, friends, friends. Sunday was all about May Day. A close friend recently got engaged & hanging out with her & our crew was like drinking champagne; dizzying and joyous.

This last week was terrific. The highlight, beyond work, was going to Mt. Vernon to see a show by a good friend's mom. She is a terrific artist & it was great to see her work again. Another friend, Eero, had an opening this Friday & even though I wasn't there, it was so good to find out how it went & see the photos.

Here are a few pictures:

working in the garden after we danced
garden work May Day

after the candles
Happy B-day Michael

3 weeks old
3 weeks old

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007


First day of work was today - & I had a great time. I'm sure it'll take a while to settle into the schedule, but it was a blast to get stuff done, meet new people & catch up with folks I worked with a few years ago.


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