it's all under the surface

journal entries & current projects

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Big Sale

We're back from the beach - the trip was great. We took a side trip to the North Carolina Zoo and, with a borrowed camera, I took the picture to the right.

The seals were the best part of the zoo - it was blazing hot & their pool was cooled. The windows we viewed them through were covered with condensation. I think we each touched a window, as a means to cool off.

Tomorrow, or today really, there will be a big rummage sale down on Market at 17th in Ballard. The Ballard Seafood Festival is also on. Should be a fun weekend.

My camera is back. I've taken a few pictures & am looking forward to doing more. Here are a few pictures from last year's Ballard Seafood Festival: on Flickr.

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Prep time

Things happen when one is ready to leave a city, if only for a short time. J & I are heading East to visit with family, an annual tradition that rocks and always satisfies. So, we had two folks to visit with today and it was a blast to hang out with both.

I'm feeling a might better, as they say (in the parlance of our times), and so picking rasberries this afternoon to load up a friend who likes berries was a treat. Likewise, it was a blast to share stories with a former/current co-worker over shorty dogs at Shortie's Coney Island tonight.

We're getting ready for the trip, menus ready and all that. Packing will begin tomorrow. I have a full week of seeing folks for astrology readings and sheer pleasure, as well as increased momentum at work. The only downside to this trip is that I'm likely to be camera shy as my fancy-super-duper camera is out of commission and too pricey (and schedule conflicting) to get fixed before we leave. Not that that's all downside, because I do tend to hide out behind the camera and am weary of that bad habit.

Seattle is rainy - a funny comment, but the first it's been for weeks. As a new gardener, I appreciate nature taking up where I can't seem to provide - the garden will have enough water & the nascent grapes and dwindling berries do appreciate it, along with me.

I'm starting Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven on the dvd player, for entertainment while I do the days dishes. J has asked for a head's up so he can join me. I tell you, it's been a nice evening.

Thanks for checking in.

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

A good day

J & I are having a great time these days. I've been whupped by anemia for the last year or so & with the information we have now + treatment, my behavior makes more sense to him. So we are working through our days - as we're both working at home these days. It's cooler now, but still sunny & warm. We're still getting as many raspberries out of the garden as we can eat in a day & the garden and plants are still a delight.

We're off soon, for vacation on the east coast. There's heaps to work out before we go. It'll be a blast to bring our shenanigans to the beach. My camera needs fixing, the mirror that allows me to see through the lense is blocking most of my images & I've got tomorrow to head out & get it fixed.

Crimeny it's late! I'll sign off now.

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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

slowed down

It's been a while since I've posted - got some news about my health that caught me off guard. Nothing terrible, but through it I realized how tired I've been & how much I've been pushing to get beyond that.

Things have been going well - it's been uncharacteristically hot in Seattle, which has been nice. Our garden has exploded with rasberries, artichokes & blueberries are a few weeks away. There are already a few ripe blackberries on the vine. Each weekend, we've been able to host garden parties where folks have shown up, we all make food (and get some from the garden) and while some gardening goes on, there's lots of relaxing and music.

J is out biking - he called from the road to say that he's enjoying the ride, on a trail that heads north to Everett. He also said I wouldn't enjoy the ride right now 'cause it's a slog, lots of slow uphill lengths. We're heading out when he gets back - bbq & fireworks being the order of the day.

It's a busy summer - lots of good times all around.

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